Since my last post our main office computer crashed and we FINALLY have it back! It's been a crazy few months. Hal started having double vision and shortly after he flipped our tractor and miraculously only broke a few ribs. We left for the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota on Monday, July 13th and got back on Wednesday. The trip wasn't too awful, just a long drive! Unfortunately they couldn't compare the MRI scans that we had done here to the ones that were done there so we have to go back up in October. They do believe that he has another brain tumor so when we go up in a few months they will decide what to do next. Hal isn't very happy about this but hopefully they can take care of it in 3 months.
I was correct in my prediction about the African Senegals. One was a boy and the other was a girl! I'm currently handfeeding Cockatiels, 2 Pineapple Green Cheek Conures, a Painted Conure, and 2 English Budgies. I detest handfeeding anything as small as Budgies but lately my pairs have not been so nice with their children and I had to step in. They are cute, though!
I'm so sorry I've been absent on my blog the past few months. Fortunately the computer is back and I can get back at blogging! Wish us luck in the upcoming months. Thank you to everyone who has been so patient with us and supportive. I don't know what we did to deserve such incredible customers and friends but I am so thankful.